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Text File | 1994-10-19 | 9.2 KB | 170 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- X-Master v 2.0
- ==============================================================================
- Copyright © 1994 Ricardo Guerra, Jr. & Impossible Dreams, All Rights Reserved.
- This utility can be copied but is copyrighted. You may make copies for others as
- long as no charge is involved (other than for electronic media or transfer
- costs) and this document is included. However, making copies for any commercial
- purpose is prohibited without express written permission from the author.
- ==============================================================================
- Thanks for downloading X-Master!
- X-Master is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly and easily launch
- applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the Extras drawer.
- It is unobtrusive and simple to use. X-Master's basic design is similar to
- launching utilities such as Now Utilities NowMenus™ for the Macintosh which
- provides a popdown list of applications and documents to open.
- INSTALLING X-MASTER: Use the Newton Connection Kit or Package Installer utility
- to load the package into your Newton. X-Master is relatively small (roughly 14K
- after installation) and therefore can be loaded into either internal memory or
- onto a storage card.
- After installation, you will see a small dot in the upper right hand corner of
- your screen. The position (left or right side) of the dot is user configurable
- as described below. X-Master will automatically restart itself after resets or
- card swaps from this point on.
- USING X-MASTER: X-Master is easy to use. Simply tapping on the dot will display
- a popdown menu of all the USER INSTALLED applets and Newton Books in either
- alphabetical order or the order in which they were installed (user-configurable).
- Selecting an item from the list will open that app or book (or, if the app is
- already open, it will be closed). To open BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS (eg., In Box, Prefs,
- Time Zones, Styles, etc.), touch the dot and hold for about 2 seconds. At that
- point you will hear a beep. Lift the stylus from the dot and a popdown list of
- the BUILT-IN apps will appear. Selecting from this list will launch the desired
- function. In either case, simply clicking anywhere outside the popdown list will
- dismiss the menu. By holding for a bit longer until a warble sound is produced will
- invoke the Preferences/About Box dialog.
- X-Master can ALSO be popped down by tapping AND holding on the Extras Button until
- you hear a plink sound (user-installed list), holding longer for a double-plink
- sound (Built-In apps), or holding a bit longer until a warble sound is produced
- (Preferences/About Box).
- These options can be configured from the Preferences/About Box.
- **** MULTIMENUS ****
- X-Master can list ANY NUMBER of items that have been installed in the X-tras drawer!
- To do this, it uses what I call "MultiMenus". While not scrolling menus, per se,
- the MultiMenu feature will allow the display of any number of items in a standard
- Newton popdown menu. If the number of items in the applet list is larger than can be
- displayed in one screen, you will see down arrows at the end of the menu. Selecting
- the arrows will result in another menu which displays the remainder of the list.
- Tapping on the up arrows will return you to the previous portion of the list. Please
- let me know if you like this feature on the Newton system since it may be possible
- for me to generalize it or extend it to be even more useful. As always, ideas are
- welcome!
- If you don't like the little dot in the upper corners, you can popup the X-Master
- list by tapping AND holding briefly on the Extras Button untill you here a "plink"
- sound. The USER-INSTALLED list will drop down for use. For the BUILT-IN apps,
- tap AND hold until you hear the double plink sound. To popup the about box/prefs
- dialog, hold the stylus on the button until the warble sound occurs. You can then
- configure X-Master to hide the corner dots and be accessed solely through the
- Extras Button.
- If you install X-Master on your storage card and try to remove the card while
- X-Master is OPEN, the Newton will ask for the card back. This will occur with
- ANY Newton program that is running from an ejected card. To safely remove the
- card, simply select X-Master from the popdown list or tap its icon in the extras
- drawer to toggle it closed. Then the card can be removed. X-Master will
- automatically reopen itself when the card is placed back into a Newton.
- X-Master has been tested on an MP Classic, 100, and 110 with no problems noted.
- However, in the rapidly changing Newton world, it's difficult to test for all
- possible situations. As always, one should back up your PDA before trying out
- new software.
- SETTING USER PREFERENCES & ABOUT X-MASTER: X-Master allows a user to set several
- features. You can set the side in which it appears to enhance ease of use for
- left handed Newton owners. The ORDER of the USER-INSTALLED items can be set to
- be either alphabetical or by order installed. You can also set whether the X-Master
- menu pops up by tapping on the Extras Button AND/OR tapping the dot in the upper
- corners. To invoke the preferences dialog (which doubles as the About X-Master box),
- tap and hold your stylus on the dot OR the Extras button. After about 2 seconds
- you will hear a beep. Continue holding for about 2 more seconds. You will then hear
- a warble sound. Lift your stylus AFTER the second sound -- a dialog box will appear.
- There are several radio buttons and checkboxes at the bottom of the dialog. Select
- the desired display options.
- The dialog box also contains shareware information and eMail/Snail Mail
- addresses for the author. Tapping on the Impossible Dreams Star logo will
- display acknowlegements to some special people. Tapping the star again will
- toggle back to the original notice. Tap on the close box to dismiss the dialog.
- HISTORY: As noted above, the inspiration for X-Master was from various launching
- utilities for the Macintosh. Since I was the original author of MultiMaster, a
- launching utility published as part of Now Utilities 2.0x and 3.0x (and now
- incorporated into NowMenus of NU 4.0x and beyond), it wasn't too great a leap to put
- together something similar when I decided to learn how to program for the Newton
- platform. I hope that you will find this little utility useful!
- SHAREWARE: If you like X-Master, please send $12 US to the address listed below.
- For those who prefer to register online, you can use Compuserserve's SWREG service.
- Simply type GO SWREG at the online prompt and follow the directions. X-Master's ID#
- is 3620.
- Don't forget to include your preferred email address so I can can contact you
- about updates, etc. Also, please drop me a note with your comments or suggestions
- for improvements. Any input would be appreciated!
- X-Master 2.0 is FREE to users who registered version 1.0 up to November 15. After that,
- the shareware fee for X-Master has been increased. Also, please note that the author
- address has changed.
- Compuserve Registration (SWREG) info: To avoid the hassle of registering your
- software by mail (especially overseas users!), you can now register X-Master on
- Compuserve. Simply type GO SWREG at a prompt and look for ID# 3620 or search
- for "X-Master". Thanks again for your registrations!!
- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: As mentioned above, I got my start in the Mac programming
- world by writing a little hack that could launch programs under MultiFinder.
- This hack eventually grew to become MultiMaster™. Recently, most of my time has
- been occupied finishing my M.D.followed by Internal Medicine training at UC, San
- Francisco. I've since moved to Stanford University where I'm doing a Fellowship
- in Cardiology which not only includes clinical training, but also basic science
- research on the mechanisms and possible treatment of atherosclerosis (hardening
- of the arteries which can lead to heart attacks and strokes). The Newton
- technology has very clear application to all levels of the medical system from
- administration to "in-the-trenches" patient care. At some point in the near
- future, I would like to become involved in medically related Newton projects
- either as a programmer or a consultant. I'd love to hear from those with
- similar interests in applying Newton technology to the medical or scientific
- field.
- If you have comments, suggestions, or bug reports, please send mail to:
- Rich Guerra
- Impossible Dreams
- 2711 Brighton Place
- Fullerton, CA 92633
- (Or better still, send email so I can easily answer!)
- Electronic Mail Addresses:
- NewtonMail/eWorld: rguerra; CIS: 71041,1371; AppleLink: IMPOSSDREAMS; InterNet:
- rguerra@eWorld.com
- v2.0: 9/24 - upgrade released.
- v2.0b2: 7/15/94 - Added Extras Button popup. First PUBLIC beta release.
- v2.0b1: 7/4/94 - Added new preferences to about box.
- v2.0d1: 7/1/94 - Implemented "MultiMenus" to display LONG lists.
- v1.0.1 6/24/94 - Minor Bug Fix. Added the "noAutoClose" flag that eliminates the
- annoying "disappearing X-Master" problem when the Card applet is opened. Added
- a version string to the about box.
- v1.0 6/6/94 - first public release
- ==============================================================================
- X-Master is Copyright © 1994 Ricardo Guerra, Jr. & Impossible Dreams. All
- Rights Reserved.
- ==============================================================================